Monday, March 30, 2009

Aix en Provence, France: Reflections

As it states, I wrote this one while sitting in the airport on the way to Madrid.

I’m sitting in the Marseille Airport thinking about the time I spent in Aix en Provence and trying to take my mind off the overnight layover that I have ahead of me in Madrid (another post). I am happy with my trip and grateful for the time away from home. There a few things that I thought I wanted to do that made less sense once I got here like travel to Paris for a day or two or have “authentic” French cuisine. However, the trip was just what I needed when I needed it.
Here are some brief highlights:
  • I climbed a hill everyday, most days, more than once. This was my unplanned workout for the trip.
  • I also climbed bigger hill/mountain to see Mount Sainte Victoire. The view was amazing. It reminded me of hiking in Kenya and climbing the ruins of Mexico. Only thing time, I wasn’t with a group of students, at least one professor, and a guide. It was just me and my friend. We did it alone. In hindsight, it was a little scary only because no one except a couple of Frenchman knew we were even headed up there. While one was very nice to us before and after our climb, I doubt he would have sent a search party after the silly American girls.
  • I shopped. Only a little and only the most inexpensive things. Shopping for real here could have put me in some real debt.
  • I learned that the American dollar is a joke to the Euro. I definitely missed those Kenyan and Mexican exchange rates.
  • I met people from Guyana, Canada, and Chile. I learned a lot more about patience and multicultural perspectives in a much different way than I did on my other trips abroad.
  • I ate. A lot. I ate a lot of white (French) bread, something I almost never do and it was great. I ate a lot of cheese. I had pizza, pasta, sandwiches, and on my last night, I had salmon. I kept my 30-day pledge to be vegetarian! Even if I didn’t quite make the vegan part.
  • I read a lot. I finished Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man on the plane (more on that in a another post). I also finished a book for my book club and read the relevant pieces to The 4-Day Diet. I had a lot of time to just reflect on how each of the books related to my life and I’m ready to make some important changes. It’s interesting that the diet book was the most informative and made me think a lot about the choices that I make.
  • I saw the coolest museum exhibit ever at Museè Granet on Picasso and Cezanne. It was interactive and exciting to people my age and much older and I couldn’t help but think how much kids would love it. I need to hit up a few museums when I get home.
  • I people-watched and people watched, or should I say stared, at me. The people of France are interesting. I was intrigued by their fashions and sense of style, the way they sit in cafes for hours, how the kids hang out and laugh. However, what I’m most curious about is how they see me and how race and place works in their society. We often wondered aloud if the looks were from curiosity about our dress, hair, language or if it was simply a case of good ol’ French racism. I’m hoping my friend can find out more in her time there.
  • I was challenged to travel more. The overnight thing in Madrid was an oversight on my part while booking the flight but it has lead to a real desire to see more of the world. I’ve always wanted to travel the world but never really thought about doing it on my own or with a friend. This trip has ignited that fire.
  • I chilled hard. I sat in cafes checking email and playing around the on internet between looking for jobs. I took naps, slept in, and was simply at peace. Something that often seems so elusive at home. Changes in environment are great for me whether it is across the ocean, the country, or just across state lines.
I may write more once I get home but these are just my thoughts for now.

Tater Tots, Hashbrowns, and Frites…

This post was written on my third day in France. Thankfully and surprisingly, I didn't gain any weight.

So, I said I would try the vegan diet for 30 days. However, that was shortened to 23 days due to my trip to France. I must say that I did quite well right up until the second leg of my flight when they served croissants for breakfast. Thank heavens for the option on priceline to select a vegetarian/dairy-free meal. Otherwise, I would have been like the vegetarian girl sitting next me picking over her chicken meal to get to the rice and veggies. I’ve been here for two full days and I have yet to eat any meat. I don’t know if I can go back to it. I’ve had plenty of cheese and I’ll be damned if I haven’t eaten an entire baguette (think loaf of French bread not a roll) each day. This is definitely not good for the weight loss plan. I may be starting all over at 173 lbs when I get home. No worries, though I will have read the 4-Diet cover to cover by the time my plane touches down at O’Hare and I’ll start my Induction phase as soon as I can hit a grocery store. But anyway, here’s how the diet went prior to the trip…
Things started off well. A trip to Trader Joe’s and Hyde Park Produce got me off to a good start. I made a bunch of new dishes such as vegan veggie pizza, pasta with Italian “sausage,” veggie taco salad mix, and cooked zucchini and baked cookies from scratch for the first time. In addition to home cooked meals, I picked up pre-packed Soul Vegetarian East meals to make it through my longs days and dined out at Karyn’s Cooked Comfort Gourmet, and found a new love for cucumber rolls. So as long as I was cooking or controlling where I was eating, things went relatively well. If I had a craving for something, I stopped by Whole Foods to see if I could find a vegan alternative. I now have enjoy dark chocolate, LARA Bars, which happen to also be raw, Newman O’s and Purely Decadent soy ice cream.
However, there were a few times when this was a little harder. I finally hit up Salsa Sunday’s at the Cubby Bear with a friend. Something told me to eat before I left but I was lazy and ended up running late. I don’t know what I expected to be on the menu but the only thing that I could eat was tater tots, French fries or a salad. Who really wants to pay all of that money for a bunch of lettuce and tomato and I wasn’t sure they had vegan dressing. So, if you know me, you know I opted for tater tots. No, I don’t care if I look like a 5-year old at the bar. It’s not everyday a girl gets tater tots. I also went out to dinner with my vegetarian friend. I let her pick the restaurant before I told her I was a vegan (for now) and ended up at Uncommon Ground, an earth friendly restaurant, only to find very few vegan OR vegetarian options. I went for the veggie burger and sweet potato fries. It was the most un-burger-like thing I’ve ever eaten. You could still see the veggies in it. I ate it though I wasn’t entirely sure it was vegan. Food life was relatively uneventful until the weekend before my trip. Due to a family emergency, my 14-year old twin cousins were staying with me. I told them up front about what I had at home in the refrigerator and they quickly opted for fast food ALL weekend. So, I had Wendy’s, HAROLD’S, McDonald’s Breakfast, and Panda Express type Chinese food including orange chicken all in my apt for the first time in at least 3 weeks. I was definitely struggling but maintained my cool and ate wholesome vegan dishes while the kids ate heart attacks on a plate. That was until Sunday morning. I was in such a rush that I neglected to eat a wholesome vegan breakfast and the kids wanted McDonald’s breakfast AGAIN so I had them pick me up a hashbrown. I know, the worst possible thing I could have eaten. Now I’m in France and I think the only vegan thing to eat here are frites (French fries). Can some I please get some HEALTHY and fast vegan options?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

28 by 28: 3 Month Review

So, it's been 3 months since I started this list. I'm so glad that I did. I'm proud to say that I have made some progress. When I have a little bit of free time, I usually check in and look at the list, see where I'm making progress and where I need to get started. Just having a visual reminder and knowing that those closest to me have seen this list are motivation enough for me to tackle just one more thing. Here's the update on what I've been able to accomplish over the last two months.
1&2. I'm still ticking away hours and assignments towards my degree and my licensure exam. In a week, I will be done with the quarter and have one more quarter left until graduation. However, beyond the hours, I'm really enjoying the work that I do with my clients. I do it for free (and the degree). I get up early every morning and fight traffic not knowing whether I'm going to have a breakthrough with a client, get cursed out by one, or both. For the most part, I don't complain and I rarely think about not going or needing a break from them. They challenge me, keep me on my toes, and keep me wondering what I can do differently and better tomorrow. Now if I could only find a way to get paid for what I'd do for free.
3&4. See the last post - update on that one coming soon. I'm struggling with the workout regimen. My schedule is crazy. My new plan is to go in the mornings before my internship. I'll keep you all posted.
9. I cut my hair! It looks about the same in the front but the back is pretty short. The straight pieces are still there. I'm still debating how long to keep them. I think I could rock a pretty fly cut with the new growth. I'm waiting until spring or summer to color it. boogie will be my inspiration.
10. I'm going to France! to visit Kismet. I should arrive there two weeks from today. I'm going to try my best to learn a little French. I'm so bad with languages.
11. I completed two sessions of bellydancing and intro to salsa classes. I'm signing up for this month too. I went to Salsa Sundays and realized I have a lot more to learn.
12. I was definitely slacking on the new dishes but this vegan thing has me back in the kitchen. I made my first batch of cookies from scratch and they were vegan. They tasted a lot like my favorite box of cookies from Gran Lux Cafe, even if they were a little darker (molasses). I'm excited to cook my own food and make my own juice (bought a juicer). We'll see if I make it to 28 though. Might have to adjust that number.
14. I went to a play in January and February. I have to do better at planning though. For February, I realized it was the end of the month and the last weekend of the play. I needed to go so I ended up going by myself. It was great and I really wish my friends had been able to go with me. I'll try to do better but I did what I was supposed to do. Can't be too worried about other folks.
That's enough for now. Partly, because I'm tired and partly because I just haven't done much else. Until next time...