Sunday, November 30, 2008

The 28 by 28 Challenge

Tomorrow, I will be 27 years old. Instead of thinking of how old that sounds or how close that is to 30, I am thinking of things that I want to do in the coming year. I have started a list of 28 things that I hope to accomplish by the time I turn 28. The list includes professional goals, weight loss and physical fitness goals which I am determined to accomplish. However, I am most excited about the things that I believe will help me to become a better friend and more well-rounded person. I'm excited to learn to cook more dishes, to take a dance class and to jump out of a plane. I'm most nervous and excited to call at least one friend per week. I know that sounds so simple to most people and it is probably something most people do anyway but I don't. Another way of silencing myself. These past few days have caused me to reflect on a few relationships that I have and what I have or haven't done to maintain them. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with people, hearing about their lives, and being heard.

The list is located on the right of the blog. I will try to write about each thing as I accomplish or work towards it. As you can see, the list is not complete. Things are still coming to me. If you have suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section. I'm not opposed to doing more than 28 things. In fact, the more I can accomplish by 28 the better.

If you are up for the challenge, create a list of your own and leave a few (or all) in the comments section.

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