Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's been a long time...

but thanks to my bbgs over in The Common Room I have returned to the blogosphere.

The past few weeks have been rough - interning, working, family stuff and feeling like there is no way I could get every/anything done. However, things are looking up and I'm glad to be back. Here are a few life updates that may or may not lead to later elaboration:

  1. Barack Hussein Obama will be our 44th President.
  2. I will finish my practicum hours tomorrow and officially be done on Tuesday. (This actually means more work after Tuesday but its a milestone nonetheless.)
  3. My grandmother is home from the hospital/rehabilitation centers.
  4. I bought tickets to D.C. to celebrate Barack Hussein Obama becoming the 44th President.
  5. I need to figure out the process to get tickets for the actual event.
  6. I lost a couple more pounds over the last few weeks.
  7. I have some of the best friends on Earth. I just wish I could see them more often.
  8. I recently became self-conscious about my use of commas. Can someone give me a grammar lesson?
I know that was completely random but the silence has, once again, been broken.


Kismet Nuñez said...

Strunk and White will teach you. Buy it. Elements of Style.


middlesister said...

awesome post.
i am QUITE the fan of random.

i too, struggle with comma usage. scratch that, i struggle with punctuation in general.


p.s., glad grandma is better.